Friday, July 8, 2016

Last Will and Testament – Guidelines

  1. Identify and list out what you own:
    • Bank and other accounts
    • Retirement accounts
    • Life insurance
    • Furniture (lump sum amount)
    • Clothing (lump sum amount)
    • Electronics (lump sum amount)
    • Jewelry
    • Automobiles
    • Other vehicles and boats
  2. List your children, living and deceased. Write down their address, phone, and email if you have it, and date of birth, and date of death (if deceased).
  3. List anybody else who you want to get something (i.e. friends, nieces, nephews, siblings, charities, etc.) along with their address, phone, and email if you have it.
  4. Write out who gets which items and/or money. How much to each person?
  5. If there isn’t enough money to go around, do you want the gift to be reduced or cancelled? Just that person’s gift, or reduce all gifts so that everybody gets something?
  6. Are there any children you want to not leave anything to (disinherit)? If so, list them out.
  7. Do you have any deceased children who had children of their own? If so, do you want your grandchildren to have anything?
  8. Do you want to take care of the case where your children pass before you?
    • Do you want their gifts to go to your other children, or to your grandchildren?
  9. If you have minor children, choose two families who you would want to take care of your child if you couldn’t.
  10. Have you prepaid a funeral or have funeral insurance?
  11. Who should be the person who represents you and wraps everything up?
  12. Who should care for your pets?
  13. How should your digital assets (i.e. email accounts, Facebook, cell phones, etc.) be handled?
  14. Who do you owe money to? Is your house mortgaged?

Do you have any children with special needs?

from Protecting You And Your Family

from DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC

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