Thursday, September 29, 2016

Local Advantages – Part 1

Personal Interview

Every plan starts with a face-to-face, personal interview.  This is a very important part of the process that you don’t get online.  Often times, goals come out during this interview that you might not otherwise think of.

It is also a time for spouses to begin communicating on a meaningful level about their wishes and desires for the future.  We often assume we know what our spouse wants, but really don’t.

Printing and Binding

We print and bind every plan, saving you time and making sure that all of your important documents are in one place.  We keep an electronic copy for at least 5 years, so if you lose anything, we can simply reprint your signed copy.  All of our electronic storage is secure and backed up daily.

Filing Fees

Every plan includes the necessary filing fees for deeds and other documents.  No hidden charges.  If it is necessary, we will pay for any other filing fees out of our pocket.

Deed Creation

Every plan includes all of the deeds necessary for transferring your real estate into a trust.  No hidden charges for deeds.  We go to great lengths to make sure the deeds are correct and no future problems will arise.

Recording Deeds

We take the time to make sure all deeds are recorded properly with the correct authorities and departments.  Once filed properly, the original will be scanned and saved.  We will then send the printed, stamped original to you.

Formal Signing Ceremony

It is important that the documents are explained to you and you understand what you are signing.  At every signing, we take the time to walk through the documents and answer your questions right then and there.

Witnesses Provided

Many of the documents need 2 witnesses not related to you by blood or mentioned in your estate plan.  We provide independent witnesses.  Some of the papers don’t require witnesses in Arkansas, but we have most everything witnessed by 2 people anyway.  This extra step helps your documents be recognized in other states.

(note:  I’ve seen documents done online, printed out, then not witnessed properly.  This opens them up to later attack.)

Asset Transfers

If you want, we will handle all asset transfers to your trust.  This makes sure that all of the papers are filled out properly and sent to the proper places.

Often times, people forget to update beneficiaries and it causes money to go to people they didn’t want it to go to.  For example, many people after a divorce forget to change their life insurance beneficiary.  Imagine their ex-spouse’s surprise when they get a check!

Plan Hand Crafted by a Professional

I hand craft each plan.  An attorney does all the work, not a secretary or paralegal.

Personal Relationship

By using a local attorney, you have the chance to develop a lifelong personal relationship.  Feel free to call us anytime.  We are here to answer your questions and help you in any way we can.

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from DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC

from DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC

Why Not an Online Service?

Why Not an Online Service?

Online Service DeWitt Law Firm
Trust X X
Will X X
Durable Power of Attorney X X
Healthcare Power of Attorney X X
HIPAA Waiver ? X
Living Will X X
Personal Interview X
Printing and Binding X
Deed Creation X
Recording Deeds X
Formal Signing Ceremony X
Witnesses Provided X
Asset Transfers X
Plan Hand Crafted by a Professional X
One Year of Changes ? X
Personal Relationship X
Questions Answered Free ? X
Workbook X
Notary Service X
Local Representation X
Continuity of Service X
Community Support X
Notification of Important Legal Changes X
Personal Touch X


The post Why Not an Online Service? appeared first on DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC.

from DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC

from DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC

Friday, September 23, 2016

70% Of All Wealth Transfer Plans Fail to Meet Their Goals

#1 Reason Wealth Transfer Fails

After failing to get a good answer to the question “Why does wealth transfer fail?”  from academia, The Williams Group interviewed 2,500 families and researched another 750 family case studies.

Based on this study of 3,250 families The Williams Group reported in Preparing Heirs the #1 reason wealth transfer plans (estate plans) fail to meet their goals is:

Breakdown of communication and trust in the family

This is further broken down:

  1. Failure to come to a common consensus on family action
  2. Failure to take common action as a family
  3. Lack of trust in the family unit

What Can I Do?

You need to get your FREE STRATEGY SESSION now by calling (479)717-6300.

You need to work with a good estate planner.  One that understands there is more to a plan than just drawing up a bunch of documents and creating successions plans.

You need to work with a planner who has taken the time and trouble to learn the underlying causes of why plans fail, and what to do about.

There is a 5 step system you can use to join the successful 30% of people who have wealth transfer plans that work.  You should join forces with a planner who is familiar with the system and give yourself the best shot at success.

The post 70% Of All Wealth Transfer Plans Fail to Meet Their Goals appeared first on DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC.

from DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC

from DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC

Thursday, September 15, 2016

19 Smart Ways to Protect Your Assets – #3

Smart Way #3: Discover which tools you can use to achieve those goals. 

You have many legal tools at your disposal that, when used correctly, will create exactly the plan you want for yourself and your family.  Ask your estate planning attorney to explain the tools that will achieve your personal and financial goals.

Want to learn the other 18 now?  Call (479)717-6300 and ask for the book “The Blueprint for Life.”  Learn the other 18 and much, much more.

The post 19 Smart Ways to Protect Your Assets – #3 appeared first on DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC.

from DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC

from DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC

Thursday, September 1, 2016

19 Smart Ways to Protect Your Assets – #2

Smart Way #2: Identify your personal and financial goals.

If you could have anything you want, personally and financially, what would it be?  What are your dreams?  How do you and your spouse want to spend your retirement years?

Want to learn the other 18 now?  Call (479)717-6300 and ask for the book “The Blueprint for Life.”  Learn the other 18 and much, much more.

The post 19 Smart Ways to Protect Your Assets – #2 appeared first on DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC.

from DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC

from DeWitt Law Firm, PLLC